Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What A Trip!!

We woke up to 10 inches of snow, I was worried we wouldn't make it. Just one of the things on my list to be worried about. I have never been to a different country. I was so nervous. After the plane being delayed just about an hour we made it to Minnesota, ate some Taco Bell (my absolute favorite) and got on the biggest plane I have ever been on. Huge but not comfortable, it was hard to sleep and after 8 hours I AM IN LONDON!!
It's beautiful. So different. And I am loving every minute!!

After such a long day, and the 7 hour time difference I slept like a baby.
Breakfast was different, to say the least but not bad at all! They have coffee, and honestly that's all I need. Paying for the coffee was interesting. I just put my hand out, full of change, and said "Can you help me?" hahah they look at my funny but are very patient. I am one happy American in London!
The shopping and the fashion seems more advanced. They are way ahead of us.
People  all over actually look at my funny. I am sure they know right away I am not from here. But even though I have only been here for a day I have already fallen in love with the London Lifestyle. I will be back, no doubt.

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